Caregiver Support

Multigenerational family sitting on couch

Empowering Caregivers, Embracing the Journey

Mississippi Family Caregiver Support Program

The Mississippi Family Caregiver Support Program works in partnership with community-based Area Agencies on Aging (AAA) and local community service providers to provide five basic services for family caregivers, including:

  • Information to caregivers about available services.
  • Assistance to caregivers in gaining access to services.
  • Individual counseling, the organization of support groups, caregiver training to assist the caregivers in making decisions and solving problems relating to their caregiving roles.
  • Respite care to enable caregivers to be temporarily relieved from caregiving responsibilities.
  • Supplemental services, on a limited basis, to complement the care provided by caregivers.

If you are providing care for a family member age 60 or older or if you are age 60 or older and caring for a child in your family who is under age 18, the Mississippi Family Caregiver Support Program is for you.

To get connected to the program, contact the Mississippi Access to Care (MAC) Center at 844-822-4622.

Mississippi Dementia Care Program (MDCP)

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The Mississippi Dementia Care Program is a program that provides respite care and support services to informal caregivers of persons with Alzheimer’s Disease and related dementias (ADRD) or cognitive impairment. 

Individuals with ADRD/cognitive impairment and their caregivers will have access to approximately 27 hours of respite care per month for twelve consecutive months. Caregiver support will be offered through Building Better Caregiver workshops. 

It is important for you as the caregiver to take regular breaks away from the person you are caring for. This will give you a chance to “recharge your batteries” and to keep stress levels down. 

  • Be hopeful in your outlook
  • Maintain good levels of physical activity or even increase them
  • Look after your mental health
  • Keep connected with your friends and families where possible

To get connected to the program, contact the Mississippi Access to Care (MAC) Center at 844-822-4622 or email

Mississippi Dementia Care Program Intake Form

English | Spanish | Vietnamese

Nurse assisting senior woman

Contact Us

Need help understanding what programs and services are available for seniors and adults with disabilities?

The Mississippi Access to Care (MAC) Network is a good place to start. MAC Centers are a free source of reliable, objective, and unbiased information about a broad range of programs and services.

Get in touch with a MAC center by calling (844) 822-4622.

Area Agencies on Aging