Parent Resources

Father looking at computer alongside 2 young children

Resources for parents of infants and young children

Connect with resources offered in the State of Mississippi to help your children get the best start.

Early Intervention for Infants and Toddlers

First Steps Early Intervention Program (First Steps EIP)

First Steps EIP is a program from the Mississippi State Department of Health (MSDH) that matches the unique needs of infants and toddlers who have developmental delays, or a birth condition that could cause a developmental delay, with Early Intervention services and resources within the community.

Early Childhood Special Education

The Mississippi Department of Education (MDE) Early Childhood Special Education page provides information on MDE programs for children who need special education services and resources for technical assistance.

Medicaid & CHIP

The Mississippi Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) provides health insurance for eligible families in Mississippi.

Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Program

WIC is a special supplemental food program for pregnant, breastfeeding, and post-partum women, infants, and children under five years of age. WIC helps you and your baby get healthy foods and healthy advice in the first years of life. 

Visit WIC at the Mississippi State Department of Health.

Child Development Online Resources

Understanding how children grow and what things are needed to make sure their growth is healthy is important for anyone caring for them. Below is a list of online resources about child development:

What is Early Childhood Development?Center on the Developing Child — Harvard University
Early Childhood Mental HealthCenter on the Developing Child — Harvard University
Child Care Aware of AmericaOrganization that helps families connect with needed child care.
Child FindAbout the Child Find program and how it works to seek out and help children who need special education.
Child Find—Mississippi Department of EducationChild Find at the Mississippi Department of Education
Childhood’s nutrition information guidance for children at every stage.
Early Development & Well-BeingParenting resource from Zero to Three.
Creating Routines for Love and LearningParenting resource from Zero to Three.
The Importance of Schedules and RoutinesHead Start at US Department of Health & Human Services
School Readiness Resources for ParentsMicrosite from National Association for the Education of Young Children
Mississippi Newborn ScreeningsMS Department of Health information on genetic testing and newborn screening procedures.
Developmental Monitoring and ScreeningCenters for Disease Control
First Steps IEP Mississippi early intervention program from MS Department of Health
Family Enrichment ActivitiesMS Department of Education

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