Child Care Reports & Archives

Child Care Payment Program Manual

Narrow Cost Analysis Report

Monthly Report of Serious Occurrences and Deaths Reported to MSDH

MDHS receives information from the Mississippi State Department of Health each month on the number of serious incidents occurring in child care facilities across the state. Please see the chart below. This information is reported and updated monthly.


A provider licensed to deliver child care services for fewer than 24 hours per day per child in a non-residential setting. Providers who meet a condition of license 14 exemption as described in Mississippi Law and are voluntarily licensed, as well as providers in residential settings who are voluntarily licensed are also identified as a Licensed Child Care Provider.

A child care provider that meets one of the conditions for exemption as established by Mississippi law. A License-Exempt provider must meet one of the exemptions AND one of the legal definitions for a child care provider as defined in Mississippi law. Proof of License exempt status is provided solely by the Mississippi State Department of Health.

A person which provides shelter and personal care for five (5) or fewer children who are not related within the third degree computed according to the civil law to the operator and who are under 13 years of age and under 19 years of age for children with special needs, for any part of the 24-hour day, whether such place be organized or operated for profit or not within a Family Child Care Home. This facility must be registered with and monitored by the Mississippi State Department of Health (MSDH).

A provider that cares for a special need child in the child’s home. Provider must be at least18 years of age and shall not reside in the child’s home. The limitations on in-home care are that all children must reside in the home, must be related or connected through Child Protective Services placement or adoption, and must have special needs. A maximum of three children are allowed in the home at any one time. Providers must also register with MSDH and hold a Special Needs InHome Certificate.

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Child Care Payment Program

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