SHIP is here to help answer your Medicare questions

With Medicare Open Enrollment running through December 7, 2021, the Mississippi Department of Human Services through the Division of Aging and Adult Services is available to assist citizens and their caregivers in understanding Medicare benefits and health insurance options.

The State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) is a counseling program designed to answer people’s questions about health insurance. SHIP volunteers help citizens and caregivers understand Medicare benefits; organize doctor and hospital bills; file Medicare appeals; review Medicare Supplemental Insurance; evaluate Medicare+ Choice or Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) options; understand Medicaid eligibility; and explore long-term care options.

Whether it is Medicare, Medicaid, supplemental insurance, or other coverage, SHIP personnel are trained to answer questions, compare policies, organize paperwork and help with claims and filing appeals.

SHIP offers in-person and phone-based counseling to support Medicare-eligible Mississippians in understanding and navigating available coverage options. It is important for individuals to review their coverage, even if they are satisfied with their current plans, and make any necessary adjustments to make their coverage more effective.

According to Mississippi Department of Human Services Executive Director Robert “Bob” Anderson, “It is important for Mississippians to have access to information about their health insurance options. The Division of Aging and Adult Services provides community-engaged services aimed at ensuring adults with disabilities and their families have the resources they need to live healthy lives.”

SHIP counselors will provide free, confidential, individual counseling to help beneficiaries find the most comprehensive and cost-effective Medicare health plan and Part D coverage. They can also check to see whether individuals are eligible for Medicare Savings Programs. Those with Medicare who are having difficulty paying for medical care may qualify for Medicare Savings Programs. These programs can help save money on premiums, prescription drugs, and other health care costs. Enrolling in Medicare is one of the most important – and most confusing – decisions senior adults are called upon to make. SHIP is here to help you through the process.

For more information about SHIP services and the Medicare Open Enrollment Period, call 1-844-822-4622 or 601-709-0624. Help is available M-F 8:00a.m.-5:00p.m. or visit