Administrative Codes

Exterior of Mississippi Capitol building

The rules that govern how the Mississippi Department of Human Services (MDHS) is administered.

Find agency program policies and procedures that the MDHS is required to file with the Secretary of State.

The Mississippi Administrative Code (Admin. Code) Title 18, Mississippi Department of Human Services is a compilation of rules that govern how the Mississippi Department of Human Services (MDHS) is administered. The Admin. Code is divided into parts, chapters and rules which outline the Agency’s policies and procedures. MDHS is required to file policies with the Secretary of State in accordance with the Mississippi Administrative Procedures Act, Miss. Admin. Code §§ 25-43-1.101 – 25-43-1.107.

MDHS has seven (7) programmatic divisions: Early Childhood Care and Development, Youth Services, Economic Assistance, Workforce Development and Partnership Management, Aging and Adult Services, Child Support Enforcement and Community Services. These Divisions are monitored and supported by the Office of Compliance, the Office of the Inspector General, General Counsel, the Special Assistant to the Attorney General’s Office assigned to MDHS and the Office of the Executive Director.

The policies below provide general guidance to a variety of users and are subject to change resulting from amended or superseding Federal and State Regulations.