Afterschool and Parenthood Initiatives

Teenage girls playing basketball

Helping kids and families thrive.

MDHS supports partners throughout the state that provide afterschool, summer, and parenthood programming to help parents and children.

Current Partners

Afterschool & Summer Programming

Community partners throughout the state receive funding through MDHS to provide afterschool and summer programing that supports the safety, learning, and growth of school-age children.

MDHS has Afterschool Program partnerships with the following organizations:

Parenthood Initiative Programming

MDHS also partners with organizations offering parenthood initiatives that focus on improving family stability and functioning by training, educating, encouraging, and assisting parents in developing the skills and tools they need to understand and take responsibility for the needs of their children.

MDHS has Parenthood Initiative partnerships with the following organizations:

Partnership Opportunities

Is your organization interested in becoming an MDHS Afterschool Program or Parenthood Initiative partner?

MDHS selects Afterschool Program and Parenthood Initiative partners through a formal Request for Proposals (RFP) process. Organizations that offer afterschool or parenthood initiative programs or services within the state and would like to receive funding through MDHS to operate or expand those programs are encouraged to regularly review the MDHS procurement page and respond to relevant RFPs.