Skills2Work Partner Network

Chef posing in restaurant kitchen

Receive funding to help Mississippi workers build job skills.

Partners in the Skills2Work Partner Network help SNAP recipients build career skills through education, training, and support services.

Skills2Work Partner Network

The Skills2Work Partner Network:

  • Connects Mississippi SNAP recipients who want to build their career skills to organizations that provide education, training, and support services.


  • Connects organizations that serve low-income clients through education, training, and support services with funding so they can strengthen and grow their services.

Current Partners

Hinds Community College

Hinds Community College (Hinds CC) offers career/technical programs, workforce skills training programs, Adult Education and Smart Start classes. Skills2Work participants also have access to wrap-around services that help eliminate barriers to completion.

The Refill Jackson Initiative

Refill offers education/vocational training and work experience to Skills2Work participants in Hinds, Rankin, and Madison counties through nine (9) weeks of classroom instruction, work experience, and additional support services. Refill takes a holistic approach, addressing immediate barriers to employment while also helping participants build the long-term skills they need.

Qualifying Organizations

Your organization may be a good fit for the Skills2Work Partner Network if you:

  • Offer job training or educational opportunities
  • Serve low-income clients
  • Help people overcome barriers to employment
  • Receive at least part of your funding from non-federal sources
  • Want to grow or expand your program to serve more people in need


By becoming a Skills2Work Partner your organization will have the opportunity to:

  • Receive a 50% reimbursement for the costs of serving SNAP recipients
  • Support additional program staffing
  • Connect with a network of organizations serving similar clients
  • Receive ongoing technical assistance from a designated Skills2Work program specialist
  • Increase your impact by serving Mississippians through additional resources.

Reimbursable Costs

Reimbursable costs include necessary and reasonable costs for serving Skills2Work participants, including:

  • Staff salaries and benefits
  • Program-related travel and equipment
  • A portion of lease or rental costs
  • Office supplies, printing, postage, etc.

Federal Requirements

Skills2Work is the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education and Training (SNAP E&T) program in Mississippi. You can become familiar with the federal requirements for SNAP E&T program providers by reviewing the SNAP E&T Program Toolkit.

Instructor leading a job skills workshop

Contact Us

Become a Skills2Work Partner

We can meet with you to share more information about the Network, help you complete a self-assessment to evaluate whether your organization is a good fit, and support you in submitting an application. Email us!