Weatherization Assistance Program

Installing home insulation inside wooden frames

Helping families reduce their energy costs.

Weatherization can help you improve your home’s energy efficiency and keep your family comfortable on hot summer days and cold winter nights.

Who Qualifies for Weatherization Assistance?

Someone who typically qualifies for Weatherization Assistance is within 200 percent of the current Federal Poverty Guidelines.

Weatherization Priorities are given to:

  • Seniors (60 years of age and older)
  • People with disabilities
  • Households with children aged five (5) and under
  • High residential energy users
  • Households with a high energy burden

What Weatherization Does

The Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) improves the energy performance of people’s home to reduce their monthly energy costs. Weatherization crews provide the most cost-effective, energy-efficient measures to address health and safety concerns, improve comfort and indoor air quality.

Services Provided May Include

  • Ceiling, wall, and floor insulation
  • Energy conservation education
  • Air infiltration reduction
  • Furnace repair and replacement
  • Heating duct improvements

Eligibility for Weatherization Assistance

The Weatherization Assistance Program is available to individuals who are within 200 percent of the current Federal Poverty Guidelines. Use the table below to find the program income limit for different household sizes.

Household sizePoverty Guideline200% of Poverty Guideline

Apply for Weatherization Assistance

To apply for Weatherization assistance, you will need to submit a pre-application through the Common Web Portal on Access MS. This information will be provided to the Community Action Agency (CAA) in your area. CAA staff will contact you to schedule an appointment, and you’ll complete your full application in person.

1 Submit your application for Weatherization Assistance Online

To apply for Weatherization assistance, mark “Community Services” on the list of programs for which you’re applying.

2 Receive a Notice (Letter) with an Appointment Date & Time

After you submit your application, you should receive a notice (letter) in the mail or by email with an appointment date and time at your local Community Action Agency (CAA).

If you need to reschedule the appointment, call your CAA to request another appointment.

You should expect your appointment date to be within 30 business days of the day you submitted your application if you are elderly, disabled, or part of a family with a child age five (5) or under. All other clients should expect their appointment date to be within 45 days.

Your appointment notice will also provide you with details about the information that you need to bring with you to your appointment.

3 Gather Documents

Documents will be required to verify your residence, income, and the members of your household. Your appointment notice will provide you with instructions about what is needed.

  • A valid deed showing you as the owner of your home.
  • Note that it is possible for a renter’s home to be weatherized. Please contact your local CAA for more information.

Proof of identity is needed for everyone over 18

  • Photo driver’s license, US Passport
  • State-issued photo ID
  • Employment ID
  • School, college or university ID
  • US Military ID
  • Tribal ID
  • Alien registration/permanent residence card, temporary residence card

Social security number for all household members, regardless of age

  • Originals or copies
  • Award letters; (i.e., Social Security, SSI, disability)
  • W2 form, paycheck stubs within a 30-day period, 1099, IRS Tax Forms with appropriate schedules
  • Unemployment determination letter
  • Other documents deemed eligible to verify income
  • Copy of utility bills
  • Lease agreement
  • Mortgage documents (i.e., deed)

Other documents may be required.

4 Complete an Appointment with your Local CAA

During your appointment, a CAA staff member will help you complete the full Weatherization application and let you know if any additional information is needed for your case.

You should bring as many required documents as possible to your appointment, but don’t miss your appointment if you don’t have all of your documents. You’ll have time to submit more information after your appointment.

Remember to submit any additional requested information as soon as possible.

Community Action Agencies

    5 Receive an Approval or Denial notice (letter)

    You’ll receive a notice (letter) letting you know if you are approved to receive Weatherization assistance.

    If you are approved for assistance:

    • The CCA will send a weatherization coordinator to inspect your home and run diagnostic tests to make sure that your home qualifies for weatherization.
    • If your home passes the inspection, a contractor will be sent to perform the weatherization work on the home.

    Community Action Agencies


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      Community Services Division

      You can contact the Community Services division by calling 1-800-421-0762.